Sunol Regional Wilderness

Memorial Sites

On October 4, 2021, a small group of family and friends scattered Grace's ashes at a few locations in Sunol Regional Wilderness, one of Grace's favorite parks to hike in. Grace loved to hike, especially with family and friends, and hoped that in having her ashes spread at Sunol, we would be encouraged to get out into the great outdoors as a way of remembering her.

All the locations listed below are along the Ohlone Road Trail which is the fire access road leading up to Little Yosemite and W Tree.

The Oak Tree

This site is only about 0.1 miles onto the trail. It comes up not long after crossing the bridge and is just past the intersection of Ohlone Road with the McCorkle Trail. It is BEFORE you reach the first cattle grate.

The Rock near Little Yosemite

This site is near Little Yosemite, one of Grace's favorite spots to climb rocks in Sunol Regional Wilderness.

When you see the sign for Little Yosemite, make a left up the trail towards Canyon View Trail. Less than 0.1 miles up the trail, there is a large rock marking the site.

The "W" Tree

Grace loved to hike to the "W" Tree. It is just about 10-15 minutes farther up the trail past Little Yosemite. In the fall, she loved to try and catch just the right time to see the leaves change color.