Memorial Service
An online memorial service was held on
Saturday, September 25th
Memorial Program
Grace Jiang's Eulogy
Written by Kou-Chen Jiang
by Hsiuying Cheng
I am Grace’s sister Hsiuying.
Grace was a selfless person. She was always willing to share her own experience to help other people. Today I will do that for her.
Grace loved nature and hiking. In the spring of 2020, because of the pandemic, she hiked alone several times every week. She was happy that she lost some weight which she thought was from the hiking. Even when she started to feel lower abdominal pain in late April, she never suspected what was coming.
In Mid-May, she felt a lump in her bellybutton. She thought it was just a fatty lump. But after a CT scan, it was diagnosed as a Sister Mary Joseph’s nodule, which is a sign of widespread cancer.
五月中她摸到肚臍眼有一硬塊,以為只是個脂肪球。照了電腦斷層,才知這個位於肚臍的、叫 瑪麗約瑟修女 的腫瘸是由內臟癌細胞轉移的。
On July 1st, it was confirmed that Grace had Stage 4 pancreatic cancer. She was told that the only possible treatment option was chemo and that if she opted out, she only had a few months left.
Grace immediately shared the bad news in a prayer meeting. But she did not want to tell the Evergreen folks because she did not want them to worry or try to visit during the pandemic. This is how Grace was – always thinking of others.
When the Evergreen folks heard about Grace’s cancer anyhow, there was an outpouring of love and care. Your love meant a lot to her.
Since successful chemo would give her only one year to live, Grace at first decided not to try it. But she met an unexpected champion in her friend’s daughter who was an MD at UCSF. This doctor got Grace an appointment with Dr. Ko, who was an authority on pancreatic cancer at UCSF. Dr. Ko persuaded her to try chemo. This started her battle with cancer.
因為成功的化療也只有一年的生命,秀芬起初決定順其自然。但她碰到了一個生命中的貴人。她是秀芬朋友在UCSF 從醫的女兒。她很熱心地幫秀芬預約了醫院同儕胰臟癌專家Dr Ko。他説服了秀芬做化療,於是走上了抗癌的道路。
In this battle, Grace was blessed with her husband KC who was committed to taking good care of her. Her life became an endless series of Hospital and lab visits. She was in pain and suffered many side effects. But she never complained to God, “Why me?” She continued to participate in weekly prayer meetings where she frankly shared her condition. She gained strength from those brothers and sisters’ love and prayers. She hummed hymns, read the bible, and watched sermons to distract her from her pain. She also chatted a lot with her friends. She called it her “talk therapy,” which in Mandarin rhymes with “chemo therapy.” Friends made and delivered food to her, hiked with her, and provided counseling and medical advice. Grace was thankful for all of the support.
秀芬很幸運,她的先生國城兄自始至終無怨無悔地照顧她。這段日子頻繁進出醫院及化驗室。她經常疼痛,還要忍受化療副作用的折磨。可是她從未抱怨過上帝 ”為什麼是我?” 每週二參加網路禱告會,她常分享近況。藉由兄弟姐妹的關懷及祝禱,她重新得力。她經常藉讀經、吟詩、聽道而轉移了對疼痛的注意力。她也常在電話中和朋友聊天,戱稱這是她的話療。秀芬很感恩諸多朋友的支持。這些人有的送為她客製的佳餚,有的陪她踏青,還有的給她經驗談以及專業的醫藥諮詢。
Grace told me that she had an abundant life since she knew Jesus. She was not afraid of death. But she did not want to show pain or burden us. She would tell me to go home and not to worry because God would be with her. She worried about her beloved grandson Titus who loved her so much. She discouraged him from staying overnight because she did not want him to see her struggling with pain.
秀芬對我說、信主之後她生命豐盛也不畏懼死亡。可是她不願讓我們看她痛苦而憂心。她常叫我回家去吧,她有主的同行會沒事的。她也擔心很愛她的孫子Titus 會承受不了。常不要他滯留過夜,免得看到她癌痛的煎熬。
Grace continued going on short hikes for a very long time. KC would drive her to beaches and parks on many weekdays. Most weekends, she spent time with her family outdoors. Grace was very resourceful. She would find outdoor locations that we never knew existed. We joked that she should write a book: “Bay Area Tours in a Day”.
秀芬一直維持著健走。週日間國城常載她去海邊、公園走走。週末則和兒孫們一起郊遊。秀芬很會找景點。很多地方我們聽也沒聽過。我們戲稱她該寫本 “灣區一日遊” 的書。
Grace’s second and third rounds of chemo were not successful this year. After seeing her last poor CT scan results, she knew that her end was coming. Her condition started to decline rapidly. On August 18th she had a video conference with Dr. Ko, and he advised her to enroll in at-home hospice. At the end of the call, Grace showed Dr. Ko a photo of her newborn granddaughter and told Dr. Ko that without his earlier advice she would have missed all the joy that Emma gave her. When the doctor was in the helpless place of saying he could do nothing more, Grace had the kindness to thank and encourage him.
今年她第二和第三輪化療都沒成功。看了最後一次電腦斷層的結果,她自己已清楚走到了生命的盡頭。之後病情急轉直下。八月十八日Dr. Ko 建議她轉入居家安寧看護。視訊尾聲,秀芬給 Dr Ko 看她小孫女 Emma 的照片。特別感謝他當初的化療建議。不然她就錯失了這小生命帶給她的喜悅。當醫生很無奈、不能繼續幫助病人時,秀芬仍然不忘感謝及鼓勵他。
For the 3+ weeks that Grace was on hospice, the amazing team at PAMF provided her with tender, loving care. Her pain was under control.
她生命的最後三個多禮拜,秀芬很滿意 PAMF 的安寧看護。每個護士及護工都很有愛心。癌痛也控制得相當理想。
She started becoming very weak and slept a lot. Then she started having difficulty swallowing food. KC discussed with me possibly getting a part-time helper. Grace overheard us through her dozing and said she did not need a helper. She never wanted a helper because she was a very independent person and KC was a very private person. God heard her. He took her to heaven before one was needed. And you know what? Grace was still able to walk 4,000 steps a day and occasionally do her own laundry and vacuuming up until 6 weeks before her departure.
Her last time getting up to go to the bathroom and kitchen was 5 days before she passed away. She was sleeping peacefully most of the time at the end.
KC, her children, and her grandchildren were by her side for the last week of her life, playing guitar, singing hymns, and reading the Bible to her. God blessed her with a dignified, peaceful, and loving ending. Grace went to be with God on Sunday, September 12th.
Grace decided to do a tree burial in her beloved Sunol Regional Park. She was always a pioneer of new ideas!
秀芬一早就決定樹葬在她常去爬山的 Sunol Reginal Park。她永遠是新思想的先驅。
Grace, I am so blessed to have a sister like you. We will miss you. Goodbye for now until someday we see you again in God’s home.
Thank you all for coming and God bless you.